This excellent qigong practice with Dr Roger Jahnke stimulates and optimizes your naturally occurring inner healing resources.
Dr Jahnke was one of the most popular and well-read authors who contributed to Yang Sheng magazine during the years I was Editor in Chief. His experience with and teaching of Chinese Medicine practices spans 40 years. He was happy to share this video during the covid 19 virus outbreak in the spring of 2020.
In this hour-long program, he teaches several important qigong practices to stimulate and optimize your immune system to remain healthy and well.
Also look for the informative video lecture called "Virus Defense: Don’t Panic, Take Action! - Focus on Qigong and Accessible Natural Healing Methods" a 90-minute program with additional information.
Dr Jahnke was one of the most popular and well-read authors who contributed to Yang Sheng magazine during the years I was Editor in Chief. His experience with and teaching of Chinese Medicine practices spans 40 years. He was happy to share this video during the covid 19 virus outbreak in the spring of 2020.
In this hour-long program, he teaches several important qigong practices to stimulate and optimize your immune system to remain healthy and well.
Also look for the informative video lecture called "Virus Defense: Don’t Panic, Take Action! - Focus on Qigong and Accessible Natural Healing Methods" a 90-minute program with additional information.